2020-06-30 EASA Logo Redraw 300dpi RGB

The Energy Services Companies Association of Southern African (EASA), division of The Southern African Energy Efficiency Confederation (SAEEC

Founding Principles

-ESCos need to galvanise in dealing with the countries national priorities around Energy Efficiency

-SANEDI’s call for ESCos to register on a national database for projects in the Public Sector

-Need to ensure credibility of ESCo sector through an independent Association

-Lobby and advocate on behalf of ESCos country-wide and seek to capacitate its members

Who We Are

  • EASA represents the common interests of people and organizations that share our passion for energy management.

Why Join EASA?

  • Our members have the commitment and expertise to deliver energy solutions and services of the highest quality.
  • Joining EASA signals your genuine intention to uphold the highest professional standards and have the experience and expertise to deliver the best results.
  • So various funding measure in place by Govt and int. funders to promote and stimulate the Green economy through training and development, leveraging of opportunities for the national interest of the country.
  • Collectively to understand the challenges that face ESCOs like funding, training, finding opportunities etc and help overcome this to ensure the green economy can thrive.

EASA Objectives.

Represents the common interests of people and organizations that share a passion for energy and water management.

EASA promotes the interests of our members by:

-Ensuring that the Entrepreneurs/SMMEs/ESCOs will receive optimum benefits and value for money

*Any Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) Training session you will receive a discount of R700

*UNIDO Training receive discount of 50% (non-members pay R2800)

*PV Greencard Training discount of R700 on Combo Package

*Free monthly SAEEC/EASA Webinars to members.

*Conference Discount and early bird registrations eligible to complimentary pre conference training

– Advocating for the adoption of Industry Best Practices in energy and water management and renewable energy.

– Providing support for Capacity Building, Training and Development of local companies in the green space

– Stimulating the growth of our industry through development of New Markets for these companies

– Collaborating with Public and Private Sector to address national energy and water management priorities.

– Finding the opportunity to broadcast and publish about the benefits received from investment, funding and technologies

– Collectively to understand the challenges that face ESCOs like funding, training, finding opportunities etc and help overcome this to ensure the green economy can thrive.

– Stimulating good governance in business operation for the ESCO.

ESCO Features.

-It guarantees the energy savings.

– It makes a reliable proposal which is based on energy audit.

–  It can sustain the energy-saving performance over a long period of time by

providing M&V

–   It makes a financial arrangement, and sometime it provides funding.

– Although energy services have been traditionally provided by the supply side, ESCO represents the interests of customers by providing a service from the demand side.

By performing M&V, ESCO can not only verify whether the effect of energy saving achieves the guaranteed level, but can also detect a failure and deterioration of implemented equipment or management, and the workarounds applied to each found trouble will lead to a longlasting energy saving effect


Chairperson : Sashay Ramdharee

Contact EASA

Motlatjo Ramaloko:  secrearial support to EASA


Sashay Ramdharee : Chairperson



+27 (0) 82 342 6955

123 Pretoria Road,