HOME > The Fundamental Principles to Energy Management Training (FEMT)

The Fundamental Principles  to Energy Management Training (FEMT) provides the basics to be able to understand holistic energy management that encompasses electrical, mechanical and thermal system. Prepare for further training in the energy engineering professions.


FEMT was developed in South Africa by South Africans to pro-vide a platform for persons wishing to enter the energy industry, or persons wishing to re-skill themselves in the fundamental basics that makes up holistic energy management before embarking on further AEE training, specifically assisting with preparation for Certified Energy Manager (CEM®) training.


The training provides full theoretical explanations accompanied with sufficient practical exercises to ensure delegates become as proficient as possible in the fundamental concepts that make up holistic energy management. There is no examination, but examination techniques and advice is provided to assist those in planning for further AEE programmes where there are examinations.


  • The basics of units, pressure, temperature, etc.
  • Types of energy and laws
  • Efficiency
  • Mechanical energy basics
  • Pumps, fans, compressed air
  • Electricity basics
  • Power factor, electric motors, lighting
  • Thermal energy basics and energy balance
  • Charts and tables
  • Heat flow and insulation
  • Building envelope
  • Boilers and steam
  • Refrigeration and heat pumps
  • Energy management auditing
  • Measurement and Verification
  • Identifying energy management and saving opportunities


On completion of the FEMT course you will be able to identify energy saving opportunities, make purchasing decisions of which technologies and products can benefit your organisation, and be more prepared for future AEE training and examinations.


  • Persons that need to find energy savings opportunities in their organisations and need to start learning more about energy management and energy saving from a credible trainer.
  • Persons that are not particularly technically strong but have to operate and understand the energy management systems and processes that are or need to be implemented.
  • Persons wishing to qualify as a CEM®, or any of the other AEE programmes, and need additional preparation to successfully complete these courses and examinations.
  • Persons that need to grasp some of the basics in the field of energy management as well as electrical, mechanical and thermal energy.

Understanding the fundamentals of energy management provides a platform into the following areas of the energy market for which the SAEEC (the South African training provider for IEPA, license holder of AEE programs) provides training:

  • Cost R2000 ex VAT,
  • Additional Cost (not compulsory) Manual & Shipping R2500 ex VAT
  • Dates: Virtual Self Study to complete within 2 months

The Certified Energy Manager (CEM®) training program will provide sufficient knowledge to achieve within these markets; energy management, energy projects, energy baselines, managing the use of all resources from renewables to fuels, gas and water, energy champions, managing carbon emissions – in industries such as commercial buildings and facilities management, architecture, town planning, Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), consulting engineering firms, municipalities, manufacturing plants, logistics companies, mines, etc.


The Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP®) training program is based on the Inter-national Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) and will enable transparent and credible energy savings reporting, energy baselines, transparency in energy savings reporting, tax incentives, energy accounting, energy financing – in industries such as financial service and funding providers, accounting firms, M&V teams, project management and consulting engineering firms, in-dependent M&V specialists, Energy Services Companies (ESCOs), companies that deal with energy savings reporting, etc.


The Certified Energy Auditor (CEA™) training programme provides in-depth energy auditing knowledge for building energy auditing, industrial plant energy auditing, finding Significant Energy Users (SEUs), identifying energy savings opportunities, energy reporting and reviews – in any industry that uses a resource to produce a product or deliver a service from a commercial building or house to a power plant site.


The Certified Renewable Energy Professional (REP™) provides a recognised qualification and training programme to achieve holistic energy management whilst incorporating cost-effective renewable energy resources and covers alternative and renewable energy sources, renewable solutions for maximum ROI – in the alternative energy industries such as wind, solar, thermal, PV, biofuels, waste-to-energy, fuel cells, hydro, ocean thermal, etc.



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